Instructional Design Course Evaluation & Capstone Project

About this Course

This the final capstone course in the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters program where we delve into evaluation of course design and develop your final capstone project. Evaluation models allow instructional designers to engage in continuous improvement of course design to optimize the student learning environment. During this course we will explore evaluations models, learning management system’s data analytics, and Kirkpatrick’s Levels of evaluation. Finally, you will design, build and publish your capstone project, which is an online learning module. This is the final course in the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters and content builds on the first three courses in the program. It is highly recommended that learners complete the three pre-requisite courses prior to enrolling in IDT 400x. This course is part of the Instructional Design and Technology MicroMaster’s program from UMGC. Upon completion of the program and receipt of the verified MicroMaster’s certificate, learners may then transition into the full UMGC Master’s Program in Learning Design and Technology. See the MicroMasters program page for more information.

Created by: University of Maryland Global Campus,University System of Maryland

Level: Intermediate

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