Inclusive Growth

About this Course

How can countries foster strong economic growth while also sharing its benefits equitably across all segments of society and maintaining economic and environmental sustainability? In this course, IMF economists will introduce you to the roles of the private sector and government in fostering inclusive growth. You will explore how many critical issues of our day—including rising inequality and poverty, gender disparities, job-displacing technological change and globalization, corruption, and climate change—are interlinked and how to design policies to tackle them. We’ll provide you state of the art knowledge on these issues and how you can apply it to your country. This course provides hands-on training using exercises, video lectures, readings, discussion forum, and other activities. You will have the opportunity to learn from examples and case studies of countries around the world. The IMF’s online learning program receives financial support from the Government of Japan.

Created by: The International Monetary Fund

Level: Intermediate

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