Global Public Health

About this Course

What are the effects of a healthy individual on the world around them? Beyond the hereditary connections between parents and children or the implications of communicable diseases, public health has intrinsic value as a basic human right. Furthermore, health and the three pillars of sustainable development i.e. economic, social and environmental well-being, are intrinsically connected. Global Public Health, is a course taught by experts from the Public Health Foundation of India. It explores the institutions, infrastructure, and the interplay of actors that constitute health not only in local communities but also on a global scale. In this course, you’ll discover how health is influenced by the environment, food systems, energy security, transport, trade, and human migration. You’ll also learn health’s positive influence on other sectors, with investments in health shown to have a positive impact on economic development. Finally, this course will illuminate how health impacts and is essential to achieving poverty reduction, gender empowerment, universal education, conflict resolution, and other Sustainable Development Goals. This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying public health, international development, public policy, nursing and medicine and other fields who are interested in the key concepts and practices in global public health Healthcare professionals and other practitioners who want to understand their work within the broader context of international policy and the concept of sustainable development Sustainable development practitioners who want to understand the lifecycle of needs and support necessary to improve health globally, including those who work for international aid organizations and nonprofits in the realms of healthcare, poverty, and nutrition

Created by: SDG Academy

Level: Intermediate

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