Genetic Models for Animal Breeding

About this Course

Animal breeding involves the selective breeding of domestic animals with the intention to improve desirable (and heritable) qualities in the next generation. This course introduces the steps required to design a program for breeding animals and teaches the genetic and statistical concepts that are needed to build a solid breeding program. In this course you will learn how an animal breeder balances the need for improving desirable qualities of the animals with the need for genetic diversity and long sustainability of the program. The scientific concepts in genetics that are applied in animal breeding will be explained and you will learn to apply the models and computational methods that are used in animal breeding. Prerequisites Knowledge in the area of statistics at 2nd or 3rd year university level is needed to follow this course successfully. For whom Professionals working with animals will use the knowledge from this course to understand the impact of breeding on their populations, and will be able to include the genetic principles in their decisions. For further studies such as M.Sc. level courses in breeding and genetics, this course will allow you an advanced starting point. Although this course is open to everyone, it is particular useful for breeders of: Cows Poultry/Chicken Horses Pigs/Swine Dogs Sheep Goat Fish Shrimp Professional Certificate Program This course is part of the Professional Certificate Program "Animal Breeding and Genetics". Join the other course in the program, Evaluating Animal Breeding Programs, and advance your career as a breeder. The course is developed with financial support and input from the Koepon Foundation and the African Chicken Genetic Gains project.

Created by: Wageningen University & Research

Level: Intermediate

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