Energy Subsidy Reform

About this Course

In the first part of the course, economists from the IMF will introduce the definition and measurement of subsidies, and then describe the economic, social, and environmental implications of subsidies. The second part of the course has two principal purposes: first, to review what works best in energy subsidy reform, in light of country experiences globally; and second, to illustrate successes and failures in particular country contexts by summarizing some case studies. Whether you are a civil servant working on economic issues for your country or simply interested in better understanding issues related to energy subsidies, this course will provide hands-on training on the design of successful reforms of energy subsidies. You are welcome to join us in this exciting course! Energy Subsidy Reform is offered by the IMF with financial support from the Managing Natural Resource Wealth Trust Fund (MNRW). The IMF’s online learning program receives financial support from the Government of Japan.

Created by: The International Monetary Fund

Level: Intermediate

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