Digital Branding and Engagement

About this Course

Want to learn how to get people to engage with your brand, but not sure where to begin? Digital technology has rapidly evolved in the last decade, and so too has the way people communicate. Businesses can no longer rely solely on traditional business models to build brand awareness. In today’s interconnected, hyperaware world, brand awareness and brand engagement are synonymous. We are in the age of digital brand engagement, where brands need to participate in, and inspire, a two-way conversation with their consumers. This course will teach you about this shift and how it has altered the way brands communicate with their audiences. You will learn about the challenges of managing a digital brand and how rich and compelling content, combined with digital distribution, are integral to brand engagement. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses.

Created by: Curtin University

Level: Intermediate

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