Bias and the Workplace: History, Structure, and Individuals

About this Course

Beyond Diversity provides individuals with the analytical skills and management tools needed to thrive in an inclusive workplace. This certificate program from the University of California, Berkeley, helps professionals to accelerate their careers by showing them how to navigate complex group dynamics, communicate effectively in challenging situations, and make critical decisions consistent with equity goals across a range of identities such as race, gender, sexual orientation, among others. Developed by world-class Berkeley professors, the program overcomes the shortcomings of traditional diversity trainings through a deeper understanding of the structural, interpersonal, and individual sources of bias that can often affect the workplace. The courses adapt cutting-edge research to enable professionals to develop productive responses to policy, ethical, and cultural challenges that organizations must increasingly confront in a fast-changing business world. Through this online program, employees, managers, and executives will gain concrete strategies to create meaningful and sustainable change in the workplace.

Created by: University of California, Berkeley

Level: Intermediate

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