Aquaponics – the circular food production system

About this Course

Aquaponic technology continues to attract a lot of attention around the globe, especially in the context of urban farming. But how exactly do an aquaponics system work and more important what knowledge do I need to successfully run an aquaponics system? In this course, you will obtain answers to these questions. The curriculum will give you an understanding of central topics in the field of aquaponics. Aquaponics is a circulation technology based on a broad knowledge base: from water chemistry, fish and plant physiology, to engineering and microbiology. It can thus serve as a learning model for inter-and transdisciplinary thinking and acting. This course is for: Everyone interested in Aquaponics with a basic understanding of natural sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) on an undergraduate degree level Professionals in the sector of Aquaculture and Hydroponics Aquaponic practitioners who want to gain additional knowledge on specific topics

Created by: ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Level: Intermediate

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