Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI

About this Course

Power BI is a robust business analytics and visualization tool from Microsoft that helps data professionals bring their data to life and tell more meaningful stores. This four-week course is a beginner's guide to working with data in Power BI and is perfect for professionals. You'll become confident in working with data, creating data visualizations, and preparing reports and dashboards. Take this course if you are a: Beginner level data professional Student, Researcher, or Academic Marketing analyst, business and data analyst, or financial analyst Course Requirement: Windows computer. (Power BI Desktop is only available on Windows. Mac users can use, but this has limited capabilities and will not follow directly with the course). Course Suggestion: Work or school email account. (You cannot sign up for a account with a personal email address. You can complete 95% of this course without signing up for However, in Week 4, an account is needed to if you want to publish a report). Image Attribution: "Data visualization & Infographic/UNICEF reports Vol. 1" by Shangning Wang, Olga Oleszczuk is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Created by: Davidson College

Level: Introductory

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