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Eda E. - Vocabulary Tutor

Mason Elementary Math Tutor
Mason Eda E. Tutors George Mason University Students in Fairfax, VA
Hourly Fee: $55
Location: Fairfax, VA
Travel Radius: 55 miles
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I’m Eda! I have my BA in Economics, first MA in Banking and second MA in International Relations. I am currently pursuing my Ph.D in International Security and Terrorism. In college, I realized that the classes I liked most weren’t necessarily the topics I was most interested in. Rather, it was the professors who made the classes enjoyable. Those professors were always engaging, structured, and comprehensible when teaching the material during the classes. They were also always ready to help whe ...

Eda E. Subjects

Vocabulary - Grammar - Microsoft Excel - Microsoft PowerPoint - Proofreading - Study Skills - French - Microsoft Word - Writing - Elementary Math