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Ethan R. - LSAT Tutor

Fordham LSAT Tutor
Fordham Ethan R. Tutors Fordham University Students in Bronx, NY
Hourly Fee: $85
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Travel Radius: 85 miles
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I'm Ethan, and I've taught students from Morocco to China! I'm from a small hilltop in rural Vermont, but since then I've lived in Marrakech, on a ranch in California, and for the last five years, Brooklyn, NY. I went to Deep Springs and Harvard College, where I studied Film Theory. Since graduating, I've worked on documentary television shows — it's sort of like teaching, but for millions of people at once. Recently, I've been looking to make a change in my life, perhaps one that you'll rel ...

Ethan R. Subjects