Part Time Babysitter - Afterschool Hours
Hi! This job will begin in March 2025. We're looking for a sitter who can pick up my 10yo daughter and 7yo son from school (2 blocks away from our apartment) and then take them to various activities in the neighborhood. Sometimes, it will require a short train or bus trip to an activity, but not very far.
Hours are Monday through Thursday 2:45p (school pickup time) to 6:30p through the school year - end of June 2025. Hours will then switch for summer camp to 4:30p to 6:30p Monday through Friday. Guaranteed hours every week unless we are away. May occasionally need you to stay later.
If you are home, will need your help with basic clean up of any kid stuff that comes home (lunches unpacked) or activities they play - but they are also responsible to help!
We have a friendly dog, so person has to be comfortable with him in the house.
We are a flexible and pretty easy going family. We want to start a relationship with someone that can last at least 1 academic year (so if we are starting the Spring, then into 2025-2026 year as well).
We live in South Battery Park City in Manhattan (zip code 10280).
Thank you!
Laura Bhatt
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Laura Bhatt
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