Stacy Kline

School: Drexel University
Department: Accounting
Location:Philadelphia, PA
Overall Rating
rated by 20 students
Rating Comment
Pros: She is the best accounting professors I have taken. She explains everything clearly, gives examples and helps us practice in class. I understand everything when I come to class and I don't have to read the book before doing the homework. And doing the homework and quizzes help me practice and understand things clearly. I don't have to study much for the exams because I understand everything. I mean you go to college to learn and you must do something, some homework or something to improve yourself. You can't do nothing and get an A because that means you learn nothing and can't be a good accountant. If you are an ACCT major, definitely take her. If you are not but you are a responsible person, take her too because she is a fair grader.
Cons: None.
the devil in it's purest form. She may come off like a sweet Martha Stewart, but everything she teaches doesn't even show up on the exam. don't waste your time.
Stacy teaches via slide and lets us practice problems in class, which I find very helpful! She explains the concept clearly and in details. She is very nice and opened to answer all the questions you may have!
Exam may be a little bit long, but is basic. You should do all the homeworks she assigns and the practice exams then you should be fine! She uses some multiple choice questions from the practice exams for the real exams! The problems are straight forward and even easier than the assigned homeworks!
She lectures through PowerPoint and goes through concepts and example problems. There will be the occasional quiz, which she allows you to work on with another person. She drops the lowest one. There are two assignments - one dealing with the cash flow statement and the other with financial statement consolidation. Reading the book is recommended.
2 midterms and a final. Exams are ~20 multiple choice and 3-4 open problems (1 from each chapter). Best way to prepare for the problems are from doing the assigned problems. She posts like ~150 multiple choice practice problems online. I recommend going through as much as you can because she uses the same questions for the exam. First midterm class average was high C and the second was low B. She gave extra credit to people who did all the assigned homework problems and presented it.
Overall a good professor and very personable. Quizzes and exams can be challenging. I believe she does curve.
Pros: - Beautiful woman
- Caring
- Fairly grader
- Easy to follow
- Clear lecture
Cons: NONE
Why are all accounting professors at Drexel so great?
I especially fall in love with Stacy. I had her for 116 and now for 331. You don't have to read the book (the new textbook is boring), just pay attention to the slide and her lecture that you will understand every thing. The homework problems for 331 are much more complicated than the 116 ones, since they are all taken from IMA, CMA, and AICPA things. However, her tests are easier than the problems. She grades very fairly too, on both exams and projects. As long as you know what you are doing and have explanation for it, she will give you full or partial credits even you got the wrong answers.
I love Stacy a lot! I wish I would have her for my ACCt 323! :XXX If anyone wants to study 331 in an efficient and effective way, you definitely must take Stacy!
Pros: 1) organized
2) detail oriented
Cons: 1) works just takes too long if its a hybrid class
She was really great. Was available when i needed help. We used the Connect system for weekly homework and quizzes. Weekly homework usual takes 4 hours if you include reading the chapter and doing the homework and quizzes if available. There is a midterm and a final. Midterm was somewhat difficult because of the intensity of chapter materials. The final was easier because the materials were simpler and thus homework were simpler. There was one project (due before the final) which i did and hour before it was due (got 69/80 and did it wrong). There was three extra credit opportunities, 1 was an event(write a summary), 2 was course evaluation 3) i forget
P.S. she allows us to use a flash card for notes (equations and formulas)
Midterm Exam 300
Final 350
Homework 150
Quizzes 120
Project 80
Total 1000 points
Pros: -Very helpful
-Knows her stuff
-Great at teaching the material
Cons: -Lectures can become a bore
These negative comments are probably coming from people who must have had a really easy Accounting 115 professor, because Kline isn't that bad if you had a decent professor for 115
You have weekly online homework due before the start of the week's first class. But doing that helps you learn the material, and she enables a "Check My Work" feature so you can see what you're screwing up and fix it before you submit it. There's no reason why you should get more than a point off your homework. And out of all the homework she assigns, you only need about 75% of the total points to get all the homework points toward your final grade.
There are quizzes about once a week, although there are a few weeks when you don't have one. Some of them are online, and others are in class. For the in class ones, you're allowed to work in groups of 2-3 people, and allowed to have a note card with whatever formulas you want on it. Occasionally you'll run into a difficult question, but if you paid attention and have the formulas, it's fairly easy.
Her midterm (there's only 1) and final are cumulative, but that's just the nature of the material; one thing build off of the other in accounting. You're allowed a note card with whatever formulas you want on it, and she has practice questions online. She also says what topics of each chapter the exam will cover. The questions can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing, but for the most part they aren't unfair if you did a minimal amount of studying
Overall, she's not a hard professor. Yes, there are probably much easier professor for you to take, but these horror stories aren't true. Just show up, pay attention in lecture for 30 minutes, do the homework, and there's no reason you shouldn't walk out of there without at least a B, and probably something higher
Pros: She is the best professor. I took her online course and it was not difficult at all. Doing most of the exams online, you are under the pressure of the time, but at the end you will be able to finish them. She is not a hard grader. I do not understand why the others classify her as a hard professor. We are in college and of course all the professor should not be easy grader. It is a degree which shows your knowledge and getting an A without putting an effort on it, it is not fair. The best professor. All classes have to be challenging. This will distinguish the best student from the others.
You better take her 116 before taking this, because this is like a more in-dept class to 116 and she teaches this class based on her 116. she also uses the same format from 116.
I took Kline's online class and it was so easy. It was my first all online course and I found it to be very manageable. I was never spending more than a couple hours on homework a week. We had Connect problems that weren't difficult unless I didn't understand a concept and even then the discussion boards and Kline herself, were very helpful. I met with her for help and she was useful and explained things to me clearly. Her online lectures were great too because she went step-by-step through great example problems. The quizzes and tests were easier and less extensive than the homework. Overall, this was an easy class and she is a fair grader. As long as you keep up with the work and wisely manage your weeks with each chapter, this class is not that hard to pass with a great grade.
Workload is heavy, but if you work with someone as a group(especially for the QUIZ), you will find it not that hard.
She always reminded us that her exam was very challenging. However, after midterm-1 I did not believe her. You don't need to read the book cuz everything is straight from hw or quiz or examples she used in the class. No conception questions, all calculations.
Except for final, there were always 2-3 people who got the FULL POINTS(260) in EVERY midterm!
If you really want to learn acct, and want to make your life easier in ACCT 331, definitely take her!!!
This class can teach you important things especially for entrepreneurs and other business majors....BUT
The workload is completely unreasonable. Her tests are 26 questions of hellish, overly complicated, multiple choice questions that you think you have time to complete in 2 hours, but in the end practically the whole class seems to never finish it honestly.
Oh and then if her two hard midterms and a final aren't enough, she throws in three assignments that will take you all weekend to finish, that even require a "letter to the CEO" about what's going on.
That's for only 7%!
Hahaha, and of course lets not forget "Connect". An online gauntlet of completely over the top tedious accounting questions that take you hours to complete. There are also quizzes that are required every week online through "Connect", on top of the hours of HW questions needed to be done, for how much??!!...oh yeah...15% of your final grade!
Seriously, the most bull@&*# I've ever had to do to just get a B not even an A in a class. I don't know about everyone else, but I had a life, and 14 other credits to accomplish before I graduate this Spring...give us a break you accounting Nazi, wtf!
NO, I wouldn't recommend her... (if you didn't figure that our already)
I don\'t care what you just read. The positive comments are completely wrong and anyone who finished her exams in less than an hour?!!?...well they have no life and def deserve to be an accountant, because (FACT), 90% of the class did not finish the exam in 2 hours. (FACT) It does take anywhere between 2-4 hours to complete one chapter of HW assignment questions. (FACT) You have about 10 of those throughout the quarter plus 5 online quizzes!
(FACT) Note cards will not save either know it or you dont!
(FACT) She requires 3 assignments in the quarter that will become your weekend activities.
(FACT) 2 midterms, 1 cumulative final, five 30min online quizzes, ten 2-4 hour long online HW assignments, and 3 weekend long paper assignments, grade scale out of 1000, and 10 sporadic (NOT 60) extra credit points that go towards your exam grade (out of 250points), and a 8x5 one side only note card for the exam that you really cant write anything incredibly useful on.
STILL BELIEVE THOSE \"Positive\" reviews?!
Listen if its your last quarter and your graduating, then you have bad luck...otherwise put 116 on the back burner for another quarter and take 116 with another teacher that is less demanding.
You will have 2 non-cumulative mid terms and 1 non-cumulative final exam. You can have cheatsheet for each exam. Stacy's exams are not that hard if you write down the sample questions during class, and DO the HW EVERY WEEK. you are fucked if you do all the hw at the very last min. Do the hw in excel, it is alot easier.
I personally thought the exams were pretty easy cuz I finished the 2-hour exam in less than 1 hour and got a pretty good grade. Moreover, she gave us more than 60/1000 extra-credits during the term which really boost our grade.
She is the BEST professor EVER!
Kline was great. She was really adamant about having her students do well. She goes over and over the material to make sure that the students get it. There is a lot of work to do but its accounting... there's a lot of stuff to learn.
The best thing to do is to go on to her website and listen to her podcasts. They help soooo much! She goes step by step in explaining how each number she puts down is configured and gives you the exact same problem on your homework except with different numbers.
So basically, the homework that you are supposed to do is based off of the podcasts and so are the test questions. Just going over her podcasts and homework manager is how I aced the final. :) good luck!
Professor Kline is a very good Accounting professor. She knows a lot and she knows the right way to teach it to students. She definitely cares a lot for all her students.
There is a lot of work, but it is expected because it is accounting. Your grade consists on 2 midterms, 1 final, 4 major hw assignments, a lot of HW Manager problems and a few other misc. assignments.
Accounting is not fun but she teaches it well and makes you understand the information. Just study and don't mess up early and you will be okay.
I love her so much. She is one of the best professor at Drexel. Although, she gives us alot of works but it is good for all the students who want to practices alot and of course you will get more knowledge from her by keep practicing all of them. Midterm, i did so bad on the second one but long as u study you will get A or at least B. I hope to get in her class again. I love her so much and she is so nice
Great professor who cares about her students and actually makes accounting fun. I would actually change my major to accounting if I knew that Prof. Kline would be my professor for all my classes. As in most classes, you need to work at understanding the problems. The entire class is problem-based, and Prof. Kline states that in the first class. She is more than willing to work with students to help them understand. Her teaching just seems to "click" with students. Go to class because the book tends to draw everything out more than it needs to be. Tests are challenging, but if you understand the material, you're good. Take her - she's great.
This is the second time I have taken her. The previous class I had her for was Tax 341. I can not stress one point enough: READ THE CHAPTERS AND DO THE HOMEWORK PROBLEMS BEFORE CLASS. Following those instructions will make her exams so much easier. There are 3 non-cumulative exams throughout the term and no final. Also there is 1 tax return and a group research project due during the last week of class. There are also group quizzes throughout the term to get prepared for the exams. She is a great teacher but she requires a lot of work. If you don't do the work then you won't get an A. It is as simple as that.
Her class is chalenging and she is straight forward about this. You must read the chapters and do the homework problems before coming to class b/c you will get the most out of her class that way. I ended with an A in her class following this technique and would recommend it to everyone. Having a grasp of how to do the homework problems is the most important preparation for her exams. Her exams are challenging and normally take a while but with the proper preparation her class is not too difficult. Also she is very willing to answer any questions you have at any time. Overall she is a great teacher and tries to teach the complex tax code as best she can. Also she allows a handwritten cheat sheet on the midterm on final which helps a lot.


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