Henry Israeli

School: Drexel University
Department: English
Location:Philadelphia, PA
Overall Rating
rated by 20 students
Rating Comment
Pros: -No exams!
-Readings are quite interesting
-Papers were a breeze to write and they consist of almost all of your grade, and he goes pretty easy on them!
Cons: Get ready cause there's a lot
-VERY pretentious. If you're opinion differs from his, you are wrong, simple as that...this guy has a lot to learn about being a good professor, he should really take some pointers from Kathleen McNamee (Drexel's greatest English professor)
-Readings, while interesting, can be overly-long
-Runs class past time and gets mad when students leave. Like, dude, I got another class in ten minutes across campus, my college career doesn't revolve around you and I am leaving ON TIME.
-Ok this is the worst, one student didn't do the reading for class and he caught him in the act. Henry outright humiliated him to the point of being a bully. It was tough to watch and I considered walking out of the room in disgust.
Again, no exams, easy papers, and interesting reads...but his cons outweigh them. I hope Henry sees this post cause his cons, while pretty major, can easily be remedied! And you may have noticed I have been referring to him as Henry, well that's because I do not believe he is a true professor, or even half of one. Like I said, he doesn't take student's opinions into account which is absurd. He acts like a passive aggressive baby when someone has a different point of view and makes a mockery of them. The more I write, the more I realize he was a grade A douche.
Henry, cheers.
Pros: - Great Professor
- Great feedback
- Picks interesting topics for students to work on
- Open minded
- Respects the students opinion
Cons: - Can get boring sometimes... (very rarely though...)
He is a great professor. Cannot take him this quarter as his class does not fit my schedule :( but did recommend him to one of my friends, who looks forward to his class after the most boring day of engineering :P He is a brilliant professor, and grades you mainly on your efforts. He is an easy grader but also helps you create written pieces that you would eventually be proud of or at least feel a great satisfaction with.
Pros: Very engaging professor! He's very easy to talk to and is very open to students visiting him during office hours.
Cons: Very tough grader! Make sure you go to the writing center!
He's an opinionated person, so if you have a different way of doing something, just do it his way.
He is a very engaging professor. He holds interesting discussions and loves hearing his students talk. However, he can be opinionated sometimes and not necessarily like the way you were taught things about English in high school. He's very picky with the styles of essay writing, so be sure to go to the writing center to get your work checked! There was a weekly informal writing assignment, but he never looks at what you wrote or how you wrote, just that you did it. Do yourself a favor and do those assignments because it ends up being worth a decent chunk of your grade.
Pros: Discussions are great, very active teacher.
I had hybrid he gave a reasonable amount of work. One post and 2 replies.
The online work is worth a lot. He takes attendance so come, and don't go on your computer/phone or he will look at you.
Pros: fair grading
enjoyable class time
Cons: none!
I am a nursing student, and I initially did not think that English would be as delightful as this class actually was! All the projects were relevant and worthwhile, which made me choose this professor again next term! yay! you're the best!
Pros: -easy grader
-not a lot of work required for the course
-a lot of in class discussions
Cons: -very liberal opinions
-very one way- if you do not agree with his outlook your grades will suffer
-takes a long time to grade papers
He was a very easy teacher, i did the assignments and got an A on the projects. He takes a long time to grade papers, and does not give them back on a timely basis. I found him very easy so i am taking him again next semester, i just have to be careful not to go against his opinion too much or he will not be too kind with my grades. We just did projects and a girl did a topic he did not agree with and because of this she got a C on the project. However, i would recommend him as long as you can bare with him and allow yourself to realize he will think he is right even if he is not.
Israeli is a very good teacher. I am a good writer, but I pick boring topics. Most teachers grade based on how interesting your peice is. He grades your writing and that is what a English teacher should do. Very fair grader and an easy A. Definately recommend to non-english majors.
We did a lot of discussions and he always respected everyone's opinion and encouraged shy students to talk. I thought he was a pretty easy grader. He gave helpful feedback and provided ways in which I could improve my writing. After a while I noticed that his advice usually worked and my writing improved. The reading wasn't too bad, either.
Professor Israeli was one of the best teachers I have met at Drexel. Before I took his class I read some of the reviews on this and was worried. But as soon as I sat down and he started talking I knew I was going to enjoy the class.
I loved this class. He really cares for the students and goes out of his way to be helpful. The work load is not bad at all, and I felt that this was the first English class at Drexel where I actually learned something. He's worth taking again.
If your looking for an easy grade in English, this is the class for you. All you have to do is a little bit of reading and informal writing based on the reading every week besides the 2 papers. He won't even read what you have written to see if you wrote on topic.
He does not like giving a whole lot of feedback when asked to edit and advice on a paper your working on, but that's what the writing center is there for anyway.
An easy A or at the least a B+ if you put in some kind of effort. Be sure not to miss more than 5 classes, cause he will deduct a letter grade for every absence after 5.
Excellent class! Cares about his students, makes class worth attending and is the easiest grader ever. No quizzes and most material is graded merely on completeness not quality. Definitely would retake again!
Israeli is a creative teacher who wants his students to think on their own and create their own ideas. He may come off as odd or sometimes even a little cold to some students, but I actually did learn a lot in his class because of him. I like him as a teacher, but he does assign way too many assignments, whereas half of them are not even discussed for more than a minute in class. Also, his grading is a little annoying and you def have to be in class every day. Overall, i would take him again, majority of others would not though.
Israeli is a good teacher and pretty fair in class but he is a tough grader. He sometime is a pain in what he requires each week and i had some disputes with him about assignments. Things have to be done his way or no way. Thats the only way to get a good grade. If you dont use an exceeding amount of sources in every paper, you wont get a good grade.
Henry is, agreed, a little bit disorganized, but most creative types are. He's really laid back and he likes for his students to have their own ideas-not his. So there are a couple of comments on here left by people who were disappointed that he doesn't feed them what he wants to hear. All I have to say is that the typical Drexel student is used to being spoon-fed ideas from the teacher, so they don't talk until the teacher leads them in the direction that's "correct" and that's a load of bull that Henry doesn't stand for. In the real world you have to make your own oppinions and have your own ideas. You can't just play it safe all the time and simply expand on someone else's thought. Be original and Henry will like you. Participate and he will like you. Do your work, be articulate and mature and Henry will like you. It was a lot of fun being in his classes. I would definitely take it again. I ACTUALLY LEARNED some things (about myself, even) instead of being taught at a 2nd grade level, like most of the ridiculously easy classes at this school.
I enjoyed his class very much. Even though his grading policy might a little rough, he is really a nice guy. He gives you opportunities to earn back. He just doesn't base your grade off of your essays or whatnot. He gives pop quizzes on readings and had online discussion so as long as you wrote 300 words on one weeks readings, you got one point. He also gives some interesting extra credit opportunities.
I agree with the person 2 below me. I did well in his class, but I don't think he gave good feedback at all, not to mention he's very absentminded. He told me one thing to do on a paper, and then I wrote it down, but it was a mistake, and then said *I* was the one who suggested the mistake, not him. He doesn't remember what he says when it hurts students and claims that he did not say the hurtful comments. He can be sympathetic a lot, but I wouldn't take him again.
Professor Israeli was a pleasure to have. He really treats students as equals and will go out of his way to accommodate you if you have any trouble with classes or papers. He makes it easy for students to participate in class and he is open to all discussions. Overall his class was very enjoyable.
Professor Israeli was the worst teacher I have come across throughout college. Even though I got A's in his class, it was unbearable. He disagrees with everything any student says, makes confusing comments, and is very unsupportive. During a student conference, he said he didn't want to say too much and feed me ideas (other students heard the same comment). Isn't it a teacher's job to feed ideas to their students and allow them to develop and expand?? A majority of our class agrees with me so do not sign up for his class for your own sake.
i did not like henry at all. he was really unorganized when i had him for class, he came late alot of times, forgot our papers or lost them. he picks favorites, so if he doesnt lke you, watch out. he is an ok grader, if you are a good writer, you will do well. oh, and our whole class noticed he doesnt like girls all that much, he gave all the girls c's and d's on their papers and the boys a's... we are not sure if it was just that the girls were bad writers, but on all three papers....??? good discussions tho, participate alot and definitely go to class!


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