Christopher Nielson

School: Drexel University
Department: English
Location:Philadelphia, PA
Overall Rating
rated by 20 students
Rating Comment
Dr Nielson is one of my favorite professors; there is a lot of freedom with the projects and he tries to make classes interesting, even though he knows he tends to lecture a lot he loves when students speak up in class. The exams can be difficult if you don't study but if you read the material, go over the notes, and really pay attention to what he says in class, they're not too bad - some of his questions were directly addressed in class and after a while it gets clearer to tell what he's likely to put on the exam. The papers aren't too bad, just a bit tedious at times. But Dr Nielson is a really great guy; he gets off topic sometimes and knows it but still really loves his subject and helps his students to love it too.
Pros: Great guy
Easy grader
Cons: Reading quizzes count as a big portion of the grade, which you don't have a lot of
Make sure you do well on the quizzes since if you mess up them it's bad since it's like 20% of your grade. But besides that, he grades essays pretty easy. He loves rock music and is overall a chill guy. I'd definitely recommend him
Moderately enjoyable class, not absolutely amazing like others say, but I didn't want to kill myself either. Nielson is a humorous guy, but he works you hard and takes learning very seriously--he's the kind of guy that loves to give 9/10, 14/15... very rarely full points, haha.
Uses the textbook a bit, but uses outside sources too. Knows his stuff and is a very good English teacher. Recommended. =)
Great teacher - really interested in the material, tries to make class enjoyable. I took this class as a Freshman and did very well. The group project at the end turned out to be fun. Gives pop quizzes, but drops the lowest two (in my class, he gave three - the last of which was incredibly easy - so you were pretty much guaranteed a 100 average there).
Pros: Awesome teacher, makes class interesting because he is interested in what he is teaching and is just interesting in general
Cons: none!
He's awesome. Never really have homework, and if you do its easy. Funny guy! Loved going to his class.
Pros: Very intelligent
Cons: Can be forward which might rub some people the wrong way
Dr. Nielson is that rare professor who can blend the material with his own personality to make the class both informative and entertaining. You will never feel bored or tempted to check the clock in his class, as he is always keeping the class involved through his knowledge and personal anecdotes. I would take any of his classes.
Almost better than his Shakespeare class. Knows the plays very well and really helps you understand the characters, plots, and themes. He always chooses fun plays so you don't get too bored.
Pros: Picks interesting poems and short stories to read
Cons: Nightly reading of poems and short stories. Expected to know the most intricate details of the literature
This class is very poem heavy and you are expected to know between 15 and 20 poems per exam. That makes it essential that you actually read them and know them, Sparknotes WILL NOT cut it. I can honestly say that I have never been a literature guy, but after his class I gained a deeper respect for literature all together. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about literature and allows even the most reading averse students to enjoy the class. One of the best teachers at Drexel. Fun class
Pros: Great sense of humor
Nielson was one of the best professors I have had at Drexel. I don't think that anyone likes to write papers, but he makes the experience a little better. He gives you plenty of opportunities to improve your writing before the final due date, and really did improve my writing. Attendance is strict but I really didn't mind going to his class, he's really sarcastic and kind of a jerk sometimes but it makes for an interesting class.
AWESOME professor!! Has a very dry sense of humor- and if you're into old rock, he'll adore you ;-) Acts like a hard ass, but he's such a teddy bear. Papers aren't hard and he'll push you a bit but it's really just because he wants you to do your best and knows you can do better. Stickler for MLA format and don't forget to check his last name- it's NIELSON not NEILSON- I before E haha. Add the Ph.D and he'll be a happy clam. Absolutely adored having him Professor rated by: Design & Merchandising Student on March 3, 2011Helpful Rating?YESNO
Almost better than his Shakespeare class. Knows the plays very well and really helps you understand the characters, plots, and themes. He always chooses fun plays so you don't get too bored.
Dr Nielson is one of my favorite professors; there is a lot of freedom with the projects and he tries to make classes interesting, even though he knows he tends to lecture a lot he loves when students speak up in class. The exams can be difficult if you don't study but if you read the material, go over the notes, and really pay attention to what he says in class, they're not too bad - some of his questions were directly addressed in class and after a while it gets clearer to tell what he's likely to put on the exam. The papers aren't too bad, just a bit tedious at times. But Dr Nielson is a really great guy; he gets off topic sometimes and knows it but still really loves his subject and helps his students to love it too.
Pros: Picks interesting poems and short stories to read
Cons: Nightly reading of poems and short stories. Expected to know the most intricate details of the literature
This class is very poem heavy and you are expected to know between 15 and 20 poems per exam. That makes it essential that you actually read them and know them, Sparknotes WILL NOT cut it. I can honestly say that I have never been a literature guy, but after his class I gained a deeper respect for literature all together. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about literature and allows even the most reading averse students to enjoy the class. One of the best teachers at Drexel. Fun class
Pros: seriously HILARIOUS!! i laugh everyday in class!!
He is such a great guy and such a great teacher. Each assignment is vividly described in the syllabus on day one. At first, I was nervous about his class but I have gotten A's on all my assignments so far, besides the first one. I wish I could take him next term but all his classes are full. I can't imagine why? :) Even though I totally can because he's an amazing teacher. My favorite so far at Drexel, besides one within my major.
Christopher Nielson is the most amazing teacher i've ever had at Drexel. He really cares about the students and makes class so much fun. Definitley is a huge hippie and tells us awesome stories all the time. He also encourages group discussion and class participation. He's really leinant when it comes to the work load, and always tries to work with the student. You could tell he geniuinely wants to get to know everyone in class. NIELSON IF YOU READ THIS I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Pros: Great sense of humor
Nielson was one of the best professors I have had at Drexel. I don't think that anyone likes to write papers, but he makes the experience a little better. He gives you plenty of opportunities to improve your writing before the final due date, and really did improve my writing. Attendance is strict but I really didn't mind going to his class, he's really sarcastic and kind of a jerk sometimes but it makes for an interesting class.
Pros: Very intelligent
Cons: Can be forward which might rub some people the wrong way
Dr. Nielson is that rare professor who can blend the material with his own personality to make the class both informative and entertaining. You will never feel bored or tempted to check the clock in his class, as he is always keeping the class involved through his knowledge and personal anecdotes. I would take any of his classes.
Moderately enjoyable class, not absolutely amazing like others say, but I didn't want to kill myself either. Nielson is a humorous guy, but he works you hard and takes learning very seriously--he's the kind of guy that loves to give 9/10, 14/15... very rarely full points, haha.
Uses the textbook a bit, but uses outside sources too. Knows his stuff and is a very good English teacher. Recommended. =)
Great teacher - really interested in the material, tries to make class enjoyable. I took this class as a Freshman and did very well. The group project at the end turned out to be fun. Gives pop quizzes, but drops the lowest two (in my class, he gave three - the last of which was incredibly easy - so you were pretty much guaranteed a 100 average there).
By far one of the greatest professors I have ever had. He makes class so interesting and fun. Sometimes I wonder if he has a mild case of A.D.D. for the way he wanders around class and changes topics, but I have learned more in that class about writing than I have with any other professor/teacher. I would definitely suggest taking his classes.
Pros: Great guy
Easy grader
Cons: Reading quizzes count as a big portion of the grade, which you don't have a lot of
Make sure you do well on the quizzes since if you mess up them it's bad since it's like 20% of your grade. But besides that, he grades essays pretty easy. He loves rock music and is overall a chill guy. I'd definitely recommend him
One of the best teachers I've had at Drexel. He really motivates you to think critically and creatively. He looks at things differently. If you care about English, and aren't just looking to breeze through but to really LEARN something, take his classes! Also, he's just a great guy, and he wants all his students to exceed their potential.
Dr. Nielson is fantastic. I honestly looked forward to going to class, and I feel that I learned a great deal.
I would highly recommend him to others, and I would definitely take another class with him in the future.
Additional notes: Go to the writing center for every paper, and pay attention to MLA format.
Great English Prof! Grades fairly, and assignments are straightfoward. He really emphasizes using correct MLA citations and encourages Writing Center appointments. Funny guy with an interesting sense of humor. Classes are not boring. Made Eng 102 pretty awesome =D
Pros: Awesome teacher, makes class interesting because he is interested in what he is teaching and is just interesting in general
Cons: none!
He's awesome. Never really have homework, and if you do its easy. Funny guy! Loved going to his class.
Nielson is a great teacher. He gives a fair amount of work and is a bit of a hard grader,but the class is fabulous. He is extremely charismatic. Some advice: participate in class, go to the Writing Center. Don't let him scare you!
great guy, easy teacher. show up to class on time and dont be an ass and you will pass. go to the writing center for extra pts. easy grader, just follow the guidelines he gives you. Great guy, and a Red Sox fan
Pros: seriously HILARIOUS!! i laugh everyday in class!!
He is such a great guy and such a great teacher. Each assignment is vividly described in the syllabus on day one. At first, I was nervous about his class but I have gotten A's on all my assignments so far, besides the first one. I wish I could take him next term but all his classes are full. I can't imagine why? :) Even though I totally can because he's an amazing teacher. My favorite so far at Drexel, besides one within my major.
One of the best teachers I've had at Drexel. He really motivates you to think critically and creatively. He looks at things differently. If you care about English, and aren't just looking to breeze through but to really LEARN something, take his classes! Also, he's just a great guy, and he wants all his students to exceed their potential.
Dr. Nielson is fantastic. I honestly looked forward to going to class, and I feel that I learned a great deal.
I would highly recommend him to others, and I would definitely take another class with him in the future.
Additional notes: Go to the writing center for every paper, and pay attention to MLA format.
Great English Prof! Grades fairly, and assignments are straightfoward. He really emphasizes using correct MLA citations and encourages Writing Center appointments. Funny guy with an interesting sense of humor. Classes are not boring. Made Eng 102 pretty awesome =D
By far one of the greatest professors I have ever had. He makes class so interesting and fun. Sometimes I wonder if he has a mild case of A.D.D. for the way he wanders around class and changes topics, but I have learned more in that class about writing than I have with any other professor/teacher. I would definitely suggest taking his classes.
great guy, easy teacher. show up to class on time and dont be an ass and you will pass. go to the writing center for extra pts. easy grader, just follow the guidelines he gives you. Great guy, and a Red Sox fan
Nielson is a great teacher. He gives a fair amount of work and is a bit of a hard grader,but the class is fabulous. He is extremely charismatic. Some advice: participate in class, go to the Writing Center. Don't let him scare you!
Had him for a British Literature elective - he's hilarious, loves the material he is teaching, awesome guy, definitely take him. He's a generous grader and his tests are fair. He makes class, and what could be boring material, a great time.
Christopher Nielson is the most amazing teacher i've ever had at Drexel. He really cares about the students and makes class so much fun. Definitley is a huge hippie and tells us awesome stories all the time. He also encourages group discussion and class participation. He's really leinant when it comes to the work load, and always tries to work with the student. You could tell he geniuinely wants to get to know everyone in class. NIELSON IF YOU READ THIS I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
In response to “br”: Of the 76 students I taught in 3 sections of HUM 102, 3 (4%) received an “F” because they stopped coming to class, 0 received a “D,” 6 (8%) received a “C,” and 67 (88%) received either an “A” or “B.” I informed students at the beginning of the term that they had to try hard not to do well. With all the workshops, multiple drafts, peer reviews, assistance from me in my office and/or by email, and free tutoring in the Writing Center, you must have made a concerted effort not to excel. Your difficulty, therefore, is not with me but in your inability to admit to yourself that after 10 weeks of class the only students who performed worse than you were the 3 who had dropped out. Additionally, the excuse you give for your grade is sadly predictable. For example, the essay in The Blair Reader (our textbook), “When Learning Hurts” by Aaron Shatzman, comments on the reasons behind your largely immature tongue-lashing. But of course, too, why take responsibility for your own actions when you can fault others instead? It’s funny how the minds of some students work, isn’t it?


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