Although colleges and universities have different schedules, for many college students early November is past the mid-point in the semester, but there are still a few weeks of study remaining. Thanksgiving break is looming, but it isn’t quite here yet. Finals are on the horizon. Winter break still seems a long way off, but for many students the prospect of being at home for several weeks comes with its own stress.
This is a time of semester, for some students, of turning inward. There is nothing wrong with this. For some students, this is a time of self-examination — ”Am I studying enough?” ”Will I have the final grades I had hoped for?” ”What will it be like when I get back together with my high school friends?” ”What will it be like living with my family again over break?” ”Am I in the correct major for me?” ”Will I be able to get the courses that I want next semester?” Self-examination is almost always a good thing, and parents may want to encourage their college student to think about some of these issues. But these questions bring stress for many students.