From time to time, we like to review some of the books available for parents of college students. There is a wealth of literature available to help parents cope with the transition to college and the changes that occur throughout the college years. We’ve offered some lists of recommended reading, and there is something for everyone. Visit our Resources page for suggestions of important books for college parents and their students.
Adulting Made Easy: Things Someone Should Have Told You About Getting Your Grown-up Act Together by Amanda Morin provides the perfect bridge for students into their adult life. Although many college students may think they know what they need to know to make life work, this book will show them how much they still have to learn. And fortunately, Amanda Morin provides enough humor, practical tips, and stories about her own failures that students will keep reading. For those students who already know they don’t know enough about how to survive in the ”real world,” this book will be a welcome guidebook.