The summer before your student heads to college is a busy time. There may be an orientation for your student, and for you. There are things to buy for the new dorm room. Your student may be contacting their roommate. There are doctor and dentist appointments to make, forms to complete, financing to finalize. Your student may or may not be busy packing, and you may be busy worrying about why they’re not packing yet. And through it all, your student is busy trying to say goodbye to friends, and you are trying to come to terms with the fact that they’ll be gone.
Amid all of the flurry of preparations for leaving, there are some important decisions that you and your college student should make to anticipate potential situations later on. If you spend some time this summer agreeing on these points, you won’t be taken by surprise when inevitable issues arise later. You’ll know that you and your student are ”on the same page”, and you may prevent difficulties later. Here are eight things to discuss with your student before they leave.