The more that college parents know and understand about the college experience, the less we worry and the better we will be able to help our students to succeed and thrive throughout their college career. However, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there on the web. We’d like to help you find some of the information that might be most interesting and useful to you as a college parent.
In News and Views we share recent college related news and sources we’ve found as we do our research. We hope that this feature will help to introduce you to new ideas and to help you keep up with some of the current issues that may affect your college student — and you.
We invite you to read some of the articles suggested below — and to let us know what you think of some of the ideas included here.
College Parents 101: 6 Things Parents Must Discuss with Their College-Bound Kinds
All important topics and necessary conversations. Make sure you send your child to school prepared.
The Longest Ride Home: 12 Ways Parents Can Reboot After College Move In
You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about your student’s transition to college life. Now it’s time to think about your transition to parent-with-student-away-at-college. Here are some good suggestions to get you started.
Sending Sons Off to College, and Finding Solace in a Big Box Store
Yes, most of us have been there. At least a little. Some reality and perspective.
Sending a Kid to College? 8 Credit Card Tips That Can Help
Every penny helps.
How to Thrive in an Empty Nest
It’s old advice, but important. Remember to take care of yourself, too.
College Students and Stress: A Message to Parents from a College Student
A very important reminder to put ourselves in our student’s shoes. Don’t minimize the stress your student may be feeling.
Through the Looking Glass: Recapping Freshman Year
This is an article to share with your college freshman. A good reminder that everything may not be perfect, but first year is only the beginning of the college career.
Don’t Dry Your Clothes in the Microwave and Other Advice for My College-Bound Daughter
We’d all like to pass a little wisdom on to your students heading to college. What would you share?