Cuauhtemoc Luna-Nevarez

School: Sacred Heart University
Department: Marketing
Location:Fairfield, CT
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
No excused absences, lots of hw that's all time consuming, doesn't provide constructive feedback, doesn't allow much creativity in design unless it's to his personal liking, so if you go outside his box you'll get a lower grade. I submitted an assignment a week early asking for his feedback so I could make necessary adjustments; he gave no feedback until the day after the due date but penalized me for a small fix when I could have fixed it during the week I was waiting for feedback before the final due date. Sometimes he doesn't give instructions properly, but he always penalizes the students for his mistake there. RateMyProfessor doesn't have enough room for how terrible this professor is. The only nice thing he did was allow me to submit a few assignments late when I had a breakdown after class due to my stress and I was literally crying in front of him. He makes students purchase Photoshop when all the assignments using it could have been done for free on Canva or other stuff; he also strongly encourages Wix for website building and gives students a hard time about using their preferred software. I had asked him early in the semester for advice on my personal business card, which he kind of shredded but that didn't really bother me because I disagreed with most of his opinions anyway--what really got me was that he said my line of work as a hairdresser was not that serious and my card needed to reflect that because it was currently too professional when that's not paralleled in my field.


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