Elizabeth Halweg

School: Fox Valley Technical College
Department: Computer Science
Location:Appleton, WI
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Skips class as often as possible. This teacher is a joke among students and instructors a like and everyone knows to avoid her at all costs. She doesn't have the knowledge to teach others and expects you to know the answer prior to learning. When asked a question she will tell you to look up the answer in the book. Students & other IT Instructors agree she should be fired. She is by far the worst teacher I’ve encountered at FVTC. I got an A in her course and still would not recommend anyone spend the money for her to teach it. Seeing that she teaches a lot of the Cisco classes, I changed my program plan from Net Specialist to Net Admin. Truly bad teacher. This teacher did not show up to class almost every week of the term and then got frustrated when no one would do the class work Very difficult to understand, when asking question not sure if she knows what she is talking about. She expects you to know what you are doing before even learning what is needed Instructor really doesn't have the background to teach any IT course. She is very rude to students and other instructors. Paying one cent on any of her courses is a waste of money. Avoid her at all costs...even if you have to go to a different school. Teacher doesn't really teach (doesn't put time or effort into class). Expects us to know what is in the book with little or no explanation. It is questionable whether the instructor actually has the background to teach IT. Seriously don't know how she was hired in the first place.


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