Classifieds>Tutors>Stephen W. - Spanish Tutor

Stephen W. - Spanish Tutor

top rated tutor
Stephen W. Tutors College Students
Location: New York, NY
Travel Radius: 10 miles
Years Tutoring: 2
In-person + Online

Personal Statement

I understand that any subject from math to history and Latin can be grueling to learn especially with all of the memorization involved. I begin our time together by learning where each student is in the learning process and building on what they already know. I have studied numerous languages including French, Spanish, Attic Greek, Turkish, and Latin. I can also help in English as well. I would love to help you further your knowledge in any of those languages, especially English. In addition to my academic history background, I have worked as an editor for numerous professional publications. I have my degree in history from Princeton University. I look forward to helping you reach your academic... read more


Princeton University



Stephen W. Subjects

Spanish - SAT Math - Writing - Geography - Social Studies - Latin - AP English Language and Composition