Classifieds>Tutors>Michael H. - Physics Tutor

Michael H. - Physics Tutor

top rated tutor
Michael H. Tutors College Students
Location: Atlanta, GA
Travel Radius: 20 miles
Years Tutoring: 1
In-person + Online

Personal Statement

I earned my bachelor's degree in biology and history through Boston College. I'm now enrolled at Emory University to pursue my Master of Science in Public Health in environmental health and epidemiology. As a tutor, I strive to provide the tools and knowledge necessary to bolster their academic skills and confidence. Some students struggle because the information isn't being presented in a way that is compatible with their learning style. I can determine the approach necessary to allow each student to master the material. I strive to provide intriguing and unique study tools to support my students in their growth. In my free time, I enjoy studying, reading, and watching... read more

Michael H. Subjects

Physics - Biostatistics - Microbiology