Classifieds>Tutors>Giovanna G. - Microsoft Excel Tutor

Giovanna G. - Microsoft Excel Tutor

top rated tutor
Giovanna G. Tutors College Students
Location: Seattle, WA
Travel Radius: 20 miles
In-person + Online

Personal Statement

I graduated from the University of Washington with my degree in computer science. I began tutoring students while in college, covering SAT prep, geometry, computer skills, Microsoft Excel and other software, and programming, among other subjects. I enjoy watching my students develop their learning skills and confidence to achieve success in their courses. My study sessions are designed to be relaxed and open to questions. I believe that students can develop their critical thinking, intuition, and problem-solving skills by asking questions as they learn. In my free time, I enjoy spending my time at the gym, reading any book I can get my hands on, and meditating on personal... read more

Giovanna G. Subjects

Microsoft Excel - Geometry - C